German Dictionary

Translation of social in German

social      sozial 
social     gesellschaftlich; sozial

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He was an anthropologist who had studied the social structure of three tribes in South America.

Er war Anthropologe und hatte die Sozialstrukturen von drei Stämmen in Südamerika erforscht.
social worker Sozialarbeiter; Sozialarbeiterin
social welfare program das Sozialhilfeprogramm
social Sozial-; gesellig; gesellschaftlich
social injustice soziale Ungerechtigkeit
social skills soziale Fähigkeiten
social customs(1) soziale Bräuche
social constraints gesell. Zwänge
social mobility soziale Mobilität
social contributions Sozialleistungen
a social evening ein geselliger Abend
social services Sozialeinrichtungen

He did not understand what we meant, as he claimed that our team won 2-1. It was then that I found out that I had missed a goal when I was in the bathroom and my wife forgot to tell me about it.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
We blamed the sandwich which we had eaten a day earlier for lunch in Bolivia for the stomach ache of my wife. She became very weak and she had to stay in the hotel for two entire days.
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