German Dictionary

Translation of somewhere in German

somewhere     irgendwo
somewhere     irgendwohin

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It was a sleazy motel, but I needed somewhere to stay.

Es war ein heruntergekommenes Motel, aber ich brauchte einen Platz zum Übernachten.
somewhere else irgendwo anders
to somewhere else anderswohin
somewhere else* woanders
somewhere nützlich
somewhere irgentwo
somewhere irentwo

The people in the market knew how to bargain and one would hardly have a change to lower the price drastically. We bought some Espresso cups carved and painted with some local paintings.
Due to jet lag (for us it was 10p.m.) we could not sleep, so we stayed at the airport until the morning where we had to take a flight around 8a.m. The destination was Siem Reap in Cambodia.
There was an extra seat available (the last one apparently). We were so glad. 45 minutes later we sat in the place, eighty percent of the plane was empty. They really need to update their system.
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