German Dictionary

Start in German

to start      anfangen 
to start     anfangen; beginnen
the start     der Anfang; der Beginn; der Start; der Vorsprung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The eagle started to pounce, when he discovered a prey animal.

Der Adler begann herabzustoßen, als er ein Beutetier entdeckte.
The prime time for TV programs usually starts at 8:15 p.m. Die Hauptsendezeit für TV-Programme beginnt für gewöhnlich um 20:15 Uhr.
Don't start a conversation with Jim - he's a talker! Fang kein Gespräch mit Jim an - er ist ein Schwätzer!
Let's start! Lasst uns anfangen!; Lass uns anfangen!; Lasst uns starten!
to enter a dialogue; to start a dialogue in Dialog treten
to start next month nächsten Monat beginnen
Let's start!; Let us start! Lass(t) uns anfangen!
to set sail; to start a journey aufbrechen zu
to start with; to commence with beginnen mit
to begin; to start anfangen; beginnen
to start by assuming ausgehen von
to start; start anfangen; starten

I am sorry that I did not respond to your last email you sooner. Have you been busy with your work? Do you have any meetings or travel planned? I have friends around the world and they call me Mike.
However, his English was excellent and we soon found out that he was an English teacher before the war. We agreed on a price for showing us the entire area during the next 2 days. We took a nap and he picked us up later.
From there we flew on a day flight to Lima, Peru. We landed around 6 pm, it was already dark. From the airport we took a cab to our hotel (Hotel Carmel) in Miraflores, a beautiful, modern neighborhood.
Newly added translation: surfing    they    trap    utilize    whatever    Attention    TV    although    assistance    be necessary   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of start   [ started, started ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anfangen
fange an  fängst an  fängt an  fangen an  fangt an  fangen an  fing an  fingst an  fing an  fingen an  fingt an  fingen an     
Conjugation of beginnen
beginne  beginnst  beginnt  beginnen  beginnt  beginnen  begann  begannst  begann  begannen  begannt  begannen