German Dictionary

Translation of student in German

the student      der Student 
the student     der Schüler
the student     die Studentin

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
MASC is an acronym for "Making Average Students Count".

MASC ist ein Akronym für "Making Average Students Count".
The blaze destroyed the student dormitory completely. Der Brand zerstörte das Studentenwohnheim vollständig.
Please assess the student using the template. Bitte bewerten Sie den Schüler mithilfe der Vorlage.
course participant; student* der Kursteilnehmer; die Kursteilnehmerin
pupil; student der Schüler; die Schülerin
the exchange student der Austauschschüler
the male student(s) Der Student, Studenten
student assistant studentische Hilfskraft
student Schüler/in, Student/in
medical student Medizinstudent(in)
exchange student Austauschstudent
student body die Studentenschaft

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
If you have trouble in expressing something just write it down first. This site is very helpful to learn languages. I think it's very good to have conversations with other people. Take care.
The hill was not close to the village and we did not have a lot of water with us, so that we were happy when a Brazilian couple took us closer in their rented Jeep. We walked a little further.
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