German Dictionary

Translation of surgical in German

surgical     chirurgisch

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
With this device modern medicine found a way to treat the pancreas without any surgical procedure.

Mit diesem Apparat hat die moderne Medizin einen Weg gefunden, die Bauchspeicheldrüse ohne operative Maßnahmen zu behandeln.

We want to fly there again on Christmas, depending on Jenny's work. Maya entered kindergarden last week, and there were a lot of tears (mainly by her mother and not by herself. I guess that is natural.
The view from the top was awesome. From there one could see that every house almost had a different color, but that the roofs were all tiled. I took my camera and took several images on diapositive.
It was a good way of starting the trip. A ferry ride across the beautiful water, a beer in one hand and the unknown adventure lying ahead. I had to look for a place to sleep and checked a few hostels.
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