German Dictionary

Translation of switch off in German

to switch off      ausschalten 

Translation by Vocabulix


switch off; turn off ausschalten
turn off; switch off abschalten
to switch off ausschalten
to switch off ausmachen

My family is doing well except for my youngest daughter. She is a little ill and needs to visit many doctors. She has had several infections lately, but nothing dangerous, so we are not too worried.
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
The view from the top was amazing. One could see the hugh lakes and the surrounding mountains, which were still covered in snow. The landscape was really fantastic and blue skies added to its beauty.
Newly added translation: tale    tell    therapist    thy    tonight    tramway    tricky    turnaround    uncertain    unhappy   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ausschalten
schalte aus  schaltest aus  schaltet aus  schalten aus  schaltet aus  schalten aus  schaltete aus  schaltetest aus  schaltete aus  schalteten aus  schaltetet aus  schalteten aus