German Dictionary

Translation of tenth in German

tenth      zehnte 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Even after the tenth glass of water I was still thirsty.

Selbst nach dem zehnten Glas Wasser hatte ich immer noch Durst.
tenth floor zehnter Stock
the tenth der zehnte
tenth 10th

You're from USA right?! You are learning German too? Why? Do you want to go to Germany? I'm from Italy and I used to live in Portugal for a while. Now I'm learning in order not to forget everything I learned there. Are you working?
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
In the afternoon we went to the Cerro Catedral which is a small mountain not far (30 minutes) from the city. You can either climb up or take the chair lift. We chose the second option.
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