German Dictionary

Translation of throttle in German

to throttle     drosseln; erdrosseln
the throttle     die Drossel

Translation by Vocabulix


at full throttle mit Vollgas

Please send me also some information about the conference that you are organizing. If you want material in electronic format, you can have a look at our website at: . Enjoy it!
I would not put the box on the front page, you have it in the menu. But, if you want to have links from within your main page, put regular links within the introduction text, directly to the Spanish page.
Puerto Madryn was a boring city, but it was the hub to see the Peninsula Valdes, a nature reserve listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. We did not know what to expect but new that we would see Pinguins
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of throttle   [ throttled, throttled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erdrosseln
erdrossle  erdrosselst  erdrosselt  erdrosseln  erdrosselt  erdrosseln  erdrosselte  erdrosseltest  erdrosselte  erdrosselten  erdrosseltet  erdrosselten