German Dictionary

Translation of truly in German

truly     aufrichtig; wirklich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Our deacon truly served the poor, regularly sharing his breakfast with the homeless.

Unser Diakon diente wahrhaftig den Armen und teilte oft sein Frühstück mit Obdachlosen.
After she left him, he developed a truly diabolical plan. Nachdem sie ihn verließ, dachte er sich einen besonders teuflischen Plan aus.
truly wahrlich; wirklich
truly wahrlich, wirklich

Please let me summarize: The main problem of the project was the inability of the program to print the screen. The reason is that massive download may stall the connection at even 3Giga, which will result in congestion.
I saw the game. After the amazing pre-match ball shot I was so excited I could not fall asleep for 2 hours. The Eurosport commentator said: 'So what is his next trick? Walking home on the Hudson river?'
I called the Hilton hotel in Cuba and asked them whether it was worth coming or if they suggest to postpone the arrival. Their response was clear: Don't come unless you really have too.
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