German Dictionary

Translation of unspeakable in German

unspeakable     unaussprechlich; unsagbar; unsäglich

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Unspeakable horrors had traumatized the children during the war.

Unersägliche Schrecken hatten die Kinder während des Krieges traumatisiert.

No, it is a summer camp for teenagers between the age of 16 to 18. They spend 9-10 months of the year in the boarding school, first in the mountains, then near a sea in the local area. Some of them have work to do during the summer vacation.
I am glad that i have met you. I'm unemployed at the moment. I have to visit the unemployment office every day, that is the law here. I have studied computer science. I hope that I can help too.
I am 30 years old, I have a 3 year old son and I am married to a Spaniard. I work in a bank - for more than 4 years. I really love my job very much, because I love working with people.
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