German Dictionary

Translation of upchuck in German

to upchuck     erbrechen; sich übergeben

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
After the roller coaster ride, Malia upchucked her candy apple.

Nach der Achterbahnfahrt erbrach Malia ihren Liebesapfel.

In addition, may i know whether you are using external resources to translate? It is very important not to copy words from other dictionaries. Better to take just the best two translations for a certain word and not all translations.
I do translate to Spanish, but I always inform the client about my problem, in order not to have any dispute. The corrections I receive after proof reading are mostly a confusion between the different time forms in Spanish.
Perhaps we are could meet sometime in person, not just via the Internet. Of course, we should still write each other a lot. I will get back to you once I am back in Cologne, and then give you know.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erbrechen
erbreche  erbrichst  erbricht  erbrechen  erbrecht  erbrechen  erbrach  erbrachst  erbrach  erbrachen  erbracht  erbrachen