German Dictionary

Translation of vigilance in German

the vigilance     die Wachsamkeit

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He read her re?sume? with vigilance and spotted three mistakes.

Er las ihren Lebenslauf aufmerksam durch und fand drei Fehler.
vigilance die Wachsamkeit
vigilance Wachsamkeit

He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
No problem with the statement you sent me! They need to fill in some forms on the main page, which they will do tomorrow. Please send me all German lessons and guidelines for inserting the expressions.
We stayed there for a few hours observing the hugh ice blocks breaking off and falling into the icy waters leaving a water splash of over 100 meters. Each splash was followed by a dull thunder.
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