German Dictionary

Translation of wall in German

the wall      die Mauer 
the wall      die Mauer 
the wall     der Wall; die Mauer; die Wand

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The decorator opted for turquoise wall paper and red carpets.

Der Dekorateur entschied sich für türkise Tapeten und rote Teppiche.
The exterior wall of the house was badly damaged but inside, it was still comfortable. Die Außenwand des Hauses war schwer beschädigt, aber innen war es immer noch gemütlich.
We have enough lumber to finish these two walls today. Wir haben genug Bauholz, um heute diese beiden Wände fertig zu bauen.
the wall(s) die Wand, Wände; die Mauer, Mauern
wall; dam; bulwark Wall; Hindernis; Bollwerk
wall display Wandzeitung,Wandbild
wall unit Hängeschrank
the cell wall die Zellwand
on the wall an der Wand
wall tiles Wandfliesen
wall units Schrankwand
wall chart Wandplakat

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The drive to these lagoons was not easy. The jeep did not have air conditioning, so that in the sun it would get extremely hot and in the shade extremely cold. The jeeps were around 15 years old.
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