Spanish Dictionary

Translation of legitimar

legitimar     to legitimize    

Translation by Vocabulix


for a minute I blamed the burger that I had eaten at the duty free back in Cancun, but thinking a little further I recalled eating street food the night earlier, as it was Mexican independence day.
While time is a great healer, it is very difficult and not necessarily advisable for a country to forget its past, therefore history always keeps the tensions to others alive. I will explain.
This province was only one mile away from China and one could see the border control. From there it was a bus ride up the hill, about an hour or so passed and we arrived at our final destination.
More dictionary words ladera    jovial    irregular    interno    inscribir    infligir    incorrecto    importador    hígado    homicida   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of legitimar
legitimo  legitimas  legitima  legitimamos  legitimáis  legitiman  legitimaba  legitimabas  legitimaba  legitimábamos  legitimabais  legitimaban  legitimé  legitimaste  legitimó  legitimamos  legitimasteis  legitimaron  legitimaré  legitimarás  legitimará  legitimaremos  legitimaréis  legitimarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of legitimize   [ legitimized, legitimized ]