Spanish Dictionary

Translation of mendigar

mendigar     to beg    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Los niños que mendigan algo de comer me afectan profundamente.

Those little children begging for something to eat affect me deeply.

I agree that this could be very helpful, as I could bring you my experience and maybe learn from you about new study techniques outside my scope. Language learning is a very broad subject.
One could see in every touristic site and traveler's office advertisement for language schools and private teachers. The teachers usually gave the CV with an nice picture of themselves. It looked funny.
After two weeks in less developed countries it was somehow interesting to arrive here. The express shuttle from the airport took us into town in less than twenty minutes and had several station.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of mendigar
mendigo  mendigas  mendiga  mendigamos  mendigáis  mendigan  mendigaba  mendigabas  mendigaba  mendigábamos  mendigabais  mendigaban  mendigué  mendigaste  mendigó  mendigamos  mendigasteis  mendigaron  mendigaré  mendigarás  mendigará  mendigaremos  mendigaréis  mendigarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of beg   [ begged, begged ]