Spanish Dictionary

Translation of orquestar

orquestar     to orchestrate    

Pronunciation of orquestar    

Translation by Vocabulix


No one should eat street food in these countries, and neither I should have. It is not that I was not experienced from previous traveling, it is that I had just forgotten it and now I needed to pay for it.
I have your letter sitting on my desk. But, in the last 2 months I have been working on some projects which were very time consuming. I will not be able to start anything new before October or November.
He started to shout and to curse at my wife and me, but we did not give him additional money. I am convinced that he knew exactly that he did not take us to the original hotel but to a fake one.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of orquestar
orquesto  orquestas  orquesta  orquestamos  orquestáis  orquestan  orquestaba  orquestabas  orquestaba  orquestábamos  orquestabais  orquestaban  orquesté  orquestaste  orquestó  orquestamos  orquestasteis  orquestaron  orquestaré  orquestarás  orquestará  orquestaremos  orquestaréis  orquestarán