Spanish Dictionary

Translation of patada

la patada     the kick    

Pronunciation of patada    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Le dieron una patada en la pantorrilla izquierda durante el partido de fútbol.

He was kicked on his left calf during the football match.
Le dieron una patada en la ingle mientras jugaba al fútbol. He was kicked in the groin while playing football.

I fell asleep but woke up in the middle of the night. My stomach turned upside down and I could not hold myself anymore. I needed to vomit and ran to the bathroom. This occurred three times.
I wanted to explore the city, so I took my Nikon F501, a few rolls of films and headed to the narrow colorful streets of SCDC. Most of the streets were paved and it was easy to walk in this part.
I got to the southern tip of the island and visited the light house. I also remember to have visited some turtles or crocodiles nearby. I was not the only one who drove around the island by motorcycle.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of kick   [ kicked, kicked ]