Spanish Dictionary

Translation of peroné

el peroné     the fibula    

Pronunciation of peroné    

Translation by Vocabulix


I will add a feature to the dictionary builder tool, that marks a word as vulgar. The words that are shown in the tool are words that users did not find in our dictionary and a lot of them are vulgar.
I will be creating an additional study with a student (his name is Juan), which may appear in local newspapers in the future (in English). However, this may take a couple of weeks too.
Was great to see you again, thank you for the meeting. But I have seen that the 'Unicomercer' in Cairo already had a contact person or a representing company. What should I do? Contact them anyway?
Do you know the meaning of? penicilina    patriotismo    parir    palmito    ornitorrinco    olla    obligatorio    normal    necesario    musulmán