Spanish Dictionary

Translation of señal

la señal     the sign    ; the signal    
la señal     the earnest    

Pronunciation of señal    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Él te dará una señal cuando sea tu turno para hablar.

He will give you a signal when it is your turn to speak.
señal de visto tick
la señal sign

At around seven, it wasn't dark anymore, the mother of the family offered me some tea. I felt so uncomfortable coming to a new family owned casa and vomiting there all night, but I was really sick.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
I visited the Hurricane watch center's website on a hourly basis hoping it would just go away, bt hurricane Ivan was on a direct path to Havana. It did not stop my vacation plans and I left the office.
Newly added translation: semestre    saqueador    rústico    robótica    retraer    repugnar    reluciente    referirse    rechazar    rand   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of sign   [ signed, signed ]
Conjugation of signal   [ signaled, signaled ]