Spanish Dictionary

Translation of sobrecargar

sobrecargar     to overload    
sobrecargar     to surcharge    

Pronunciation of sobrecargar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Two weeks ago I met a girl from Indiana and she told me that she was really sorry but that she would have no knowledge about Europe, Africa or Asia and that it was only due to lack of information on TV.
Please write me from your home as soon as your are back. My Spanish is better than that of most Americans, but my English is worse than that of most people here. It is a strange position that I am in.
We entered the vessel from behind and went to take a shower. I remembered why I am not a big supporter of long boat rides: One every room and facility is small and second you move all the time.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of overload   [ overloaded, overloaded ]