Spanish Dictionary

Translation of accordingly in Spanish

accordingly     en consecuencia; por consiguiente

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He failed the final exam; accordingly he had to repeat the grade.

No aprobó el examen final, en consecuencia tuvo que repetir el grado.

I will be visiting in Italy from April 10 to 15 in order to meet some old friends. I'd like you to attend a one-day course, maybe I can help you in learning something new. Please give it a try.
We want the same thing which is learning, learning and learning. I hope that we can build a long relationship. It is very good for me to write to other members. Have a nice weekend and see you soon.
My daughter and her husband have invited me today, it is always very nice to visit them. There were many friends there too, because it was my grandson's birthday. We were very happy and celebrating.
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