Spanish Dictionary

Translation of accumulate in Spanish

to accumulate     acumular    

Translation by Vocabulix


We drove to the airport to do early check-in but it went so quickly that we had four hours left before our flight departed. We therefore took a cab back into town and visited the local market.
Banteay Srey was beautiful. It was a very small temple but it had a lot of detail in it. Simathay explained everything. He was truly a great tour guide and we were happy that we had met him.
Thank you for your answer, your English is better than my Spanish. I live in Liverpool in Great Britain, that is a town around 300 kilometers north of London. My wife and I have 4 children.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of accumulate   [ accumulated, accumulated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of acumular
acumulo  acumulas  acumula  acumulamos  acumuláis  acumulan  acumulaba  acumulabas  acumulaba  acumulábamos  acumulabais  acumulaban  acumulé  acumulaste  acumuló  acumulamos  acumulasteis  acumularon  acumularé  acumularás  acumulará  acumularemos  acumularéis  acumularán