Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ancient in Spanish

ancient     antiguo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Muskets are ancient weapons that were in use a long time ago.

Los mosquetes son armas antiguas que estuvieron en uso hace mucho tiempo.
The stories of ancient Greek gods are myths. Las historias de los antiguos dioses griegos son mitos.
Ancient Greeks were pagan and had many gods. Los antiguos griegos eran paganos y tenían muchos dioses.

Once in the VIP room, overlooking the entire club (around 2000 people were inside), watching all the dancers on the stage and enjoying the loud music my wife felt even worse, but it wasn't the wine.
How much Spanish do you know ? My summer vacations were great. I was two weeks in Ibiza, it was unbelievable! We went to the beach and had a lot of party, every night. Now I am back in my little village near Bochum.
We blamed the sandwich which we had eaten a day earlier for lunch in Bolivia for the stomach ache of my wife. She became very weak and she had to stay in the hotel for two entire days.
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