Spanish Dictionary

Translation of behavioral in Spanish

behavioral     conductual    ; de conducta

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Behavioral psychology deals with human behavior.

La psicología conductual se ocupa del comportamiento humano.

Yes, as usual, if you don't see me on messenger just drop me an email. And yes, your sentence is almost perfect, but I would like you to refer to it as lower end... so maybe there are similar words to 'enrichment' and also you could use the negative form.
I had a few problems with my Mac. I guess I will have to buy a new one in the near future. I have already found the right product, and I will soon order it from the local hardware dealer.
Should I call him in August? Will he know who I am? I hope that we will return to Italy in October, then we may take a coffee or a beer together, or we can even go to eat something small.
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