Spanish Dictionary

Translation of death in Spanish

the death      la muerte     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She could feel his sorrow at his mother's death.

Ella podía sentir la aflicción de él por la muerte de su madre.
The dates of birth and death of the deceased person appear on many tombstones. En muchas lápidas aparece la fecha de nacimiento y la muerte de la persona fallecida.
The probable cause of his death is suffocation. La causa probable de su muerte es asfixia.
death la muerte
death muerte

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I work at an insurance company and the last 4 years i was employed there. So now, I am finishing with this job at end of the year. I got to find something new. Where in Italy are you from?
We first took a regular bus to the border, which was basically just an empty building. There we switched to Jeeps, as the terrain was rocky. In our group there were 4 American girls and us.
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