Spanish Dictionary

Translation of defrost in Spanish

to defrost     descongelar    

Translation by Vocabulix


After dinner we walked back and saw some interesting sites and shops on the way. Everything was quite impressive, as always in a new country. We entered the hotel and took an elevator to our room.
After ten minutes and after drinking a bottle of water we returned to our place. It was already three in the morning. We were unhappy to miss a great party, but our physical conditions were bad.
We asked for the price and were surprised to hear it: A hundred dollars a night. We were actually happy to hear the high price because we knew that if we would not find anything else there was still a good place to stay in.
Most common translations: depress    dialogue    discipline    distinctive    double room    due    education    embitter    enliven    essentially   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of defrost   [ defrosted, defrosted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of descongelar
descongelo  descongelas  descongela  descongelamos  descongeláis  descongelan  descongelaba  descongelabas  descongelaba  descongelábamos  descongelabais  descongelaban  descongelé  descongelaste  descongeló  descongelamos  descongelasteis  descongelaron  descongelaré  descongelarás  descongelará  descongelaremos  descongelaréis  descongelarán