Spanish Dictionary

Translation of easily in Spanish

easily     fácilmente    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Glass is brittle and breaks easily.

El cristal es frágil y se rompe fácilmente.
Luckily his disease, though serious, is easily treatable. Por suerte su enfermedad, aunque grave, es fácilmente tratable.
Coal burns easily. El carbón se quema con facilidad.
very fluently, easily con mucho soltura
easily fácilmente(1)
easily con facilidad

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
The jet lag could be felt. We entered the floating village. People were actually living in boat houses and most of them seemed very poor. Their main income source was fishing and tourism.
The bus left on time to the border town Tacna. Crossing the border was also an experience. We needed to show our passports about seven or eight times and were checked for goods three times.
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