Spanish Dictionary

Translation of emulsify in Spanish

to emulsify     emulsionar    

Translation by Vocabulix


We drove to the airport to do early check-in but it went so quickly that we had four hours left before our flight departed. We therefore took a cab back into town and visited the local market.
The next temple was around forty five minutes away. Its name was Beng Melea. It was placed on a hugh area covered with trees and plans. The buildings of the temple were surrounded by nature.
Hi George, I speak a little bit of English but not very well. Can you correct my mistakes if I have any? I will help you with German. Writing is important, it helps to focus. Thank you for your answer.
Most common translations: envious    everlasting    expense    failed    fee    finally    flirt    forge    friendly    gallery   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of emulsify   [ emulsified, emulsified ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of emulsionar
emulsiono  emulsionas  emulsiona  emulsionamos  emulsionáis  emulsionan  emulsionaba  emulsionabas  emulsionaba  emulsionábamos  emulsionabais  emulsionaban  emulsioné  emulsionaste  emulsionó  emulsionamos  emulsionasteis  emulsionaron  emulsionaré  emulsionarás  emulsionará  emulsionaremos  emulsionaréis  emulsionarán