Spanish Dictionary

Translation of flounder in Spanish

the flounder     la platija    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The flounders camouflage themselves with the sand at the bottom of the sea.

Las platijas se camuflan con la arena en el fondo del mar.

Hello, I am John, I'm 29 years old, I have lived in Heidelberg all my life, I have a son and I am working at Lenzemanner in the South of Germany since 1980. I look forward to hearing from you.
Usually we write these messages twice a week. We also have a fanpage in Spanish where we need to write short messages. It is actually pretty boring but people respond to it. Don't ask me why they are doing it.
Perhaps we are could meet sometime in person, not just via the Internet. Of course, we should still write each other a lot. I will get back to you once I am back in Cologne, and then give you know.
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