Spanish Dictionary

Translation of inherit in Spanish

to inherit     heredar    
inherit      heredar     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is a real English duke; he inherited the title from his father.

Él es un verdadero duque inglés, heredó el título de su padre.
She inherited her silverware from her great grandmother. Los objetos de plata que tiene los heredó de su bisabuela.
Robert has inherited all his father's properties. Robert heredó todas las propiedades de su padre.
inherit heredar

I would like to have you as my good friend and maybe we can go to places in the near future, and maybe we will travel together to China as well one day (if you wish to go there). Tell me more about yourself as I will love to know about you.
you should try to go to the verb drills in the verb menu, they helped me a lot. I wasn't really motivated for it at the beginning but now I am motivated for everything. I am also interested in learning Russian.
Originally we planned to stay in Santiago for one day but due to her illness we prolonged our stay for two days. I walked around the city by myself, always staying close to the hotel.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of inherit   [ inherited, inherited ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of heredar
heredo  heredas  hereda  heredamos  heredáis  heredan  heredaba  heredabas  heredaba  heredábamos  heredabais  heredaban  heredé  heredaste  heredó  heredamos  heredasteis  heredaron  heredaré  heredarás  heredará  heredaremos  heredaréis  heredarán