Spanish Dictionary

Translation of inhibit in Spanish

to inhibit     inhibir    

Translation by Vocabulix


We felt a little dumb and waited for the hot water. The boiler seemed not to work and we started to become upset. We asked the technician to come once again and he admitted his mistake.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
Burlington in Vermont is one of the healthiest cities in the entire United States of America. The capital of Vermont is Montpellier. Apart from that Vermont offers a lot of green hills and many lakes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of inhibit   [ inhibited, inhibited ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of inhibir
inhibo  inhibes  inhibe  inhibimos  inhibís  inhiben  inhibía  inhibías  inhibía  inhibíamos  inhibíais  inhibían  inhibí  inhibiste  inhibió  inhibimos  inhibisteis  inhibieron  inhibiré  inhibirás  inhibirá  inhibiremos  inhibiréis  inhibirán