Spanish Dictionary

Translation of lettuce in Spanish

the lettuce      la lechuga     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
My pet is a little turtle that eats only lettuce.

Mi mascota es una pequeña tortuga que come solo lechuga.
Ask the waiter to bring a lettuce-and-tomato salad for me, please. Pídale al camarero una ensalada de lechuga y tomate para mí, por favor.
This salad is a mix of green leaves: lettuce, endive, spinach, and arugula. Esta ensalada es una mezcla de hojas verdes: lechuga, escarola, espinacas y rúcula.
lettuce la lechuga

When we got there we saw that the line was incredibly long and that we did not want to wait. Our friends from Holland were standing in the line, but we thought that we just try and ask the doorman.
I want to learn German, Please assist me! my name is Ina from Peru, i know English and Spanish too. What do you want to learn here? I do not have skype if you want to chat. Hasta luego mi amigo.
The next day we decided to spend on the other side of the mountain range (antiplano), in Bolivia. We didn't have the courage to drive deep into Bolivia, as everyone told us about the bad infrastructure and condition there.
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