Spanish Dictionary

Translation of lizard in Spanish

the lizard     el lagarto    
the lizard     la lagartija    ; el lagartijo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
I tried to catch a lizard, but it ran away very fast.

Traté de capturar una lagartija pero se escapó muy rápido.

When we got there we saw that the line was incredibly long and that we did not want to wait. Our friends from Holland were standing in the line, but we thought that we just try and ask the doorman.
Once at the top we asked ourselves what this was all about. The site from the top was beautiful but it lacked atmosphere and the sunset was not that spectacular at all in our opinion.
In Guatemala this is one of our biggest problems at the moment: young and pore people take drugs and drink alcohol because they are depressed and bored. The capital has become very dangerous.
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