Spanish Dictionary

Translation of loved in Spanish

loved     He is loved by his friends. querido     El es muy querido por sus amigos.

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
It is hard to live far from one's loved ones.

Es difícil vivir lejos de los seres queridos.

Next winter I'm going to Spain, where i hope to study Spanish. It's easy to visit Germany. Munich is a big city in Bayern...It's a nice city. Lot's of restaurants, nice buildings, a lake nearby and really friendly people.
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
During my summer vacation I want to go to Italy for a month. I already look forward to it. I hope that our communication is helping you and I would be pleased about continuing writing mails.
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