Spanish Dictionary

Only in Spanish

only     Only you know the truth. solamente     Solamente tú conoces la verdad.
only     solamente    ; solo    ; sólo    ; única    ; únicamente    ; único    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When the toddler babbles only her mother understands her.

Cuando la niñita balbucea sólo su madre le entiende.
This barge is the only means to go across the river. Esta barcaza es el único medio para cruzar el río.
The river was only three fathoms deep. El río tenía solo tres brazas de profundidad.
only sólo
only solo

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
I am doing nothing at the moment, i am just watching TV... what kind of TV shows do you like? I'm sorry but i don't have Skype, but I guess we can still stay in touch like this, using the Vocabulix chat system.
We exchanged numbers and they offered that we should contact them once we'd arrive to the capital. After dinner we bought some chocolate in one of the many stores, but it was not tasty, compared to Swiss chocolate.
Do you know the meaning of? payment    policy    psalm    relevant    saint    seventh    smith    stage    super    thank