Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pace in Spanish

the pace     el andar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Lili was very nervous and feared that the entrance would be denied because she did not have any blank pages in the passport. The Visa office took our papers and pictures and handed them back five minutes later.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
Although you need at least 2 weeks to visit Peru, it was worth being there for 5 days. It definitely gave us a taste: we will be back for a longer stay.
Do you know the meaning of? parboil    pay    perfume    photographer    planetary    politician    pounce    presidential    programme    pry   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of pace   [ paced, paced ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of andar
ando  andas  anda  andamos  andáis  andan  andaba  andabas  andaba  andábamos  andabais  andaban  anduve  anduviste  anduvo  anduvimos  anduvisteis  anduvieron  andaré  andarás  andará  andaremos  andaréis  andarán