Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pacific in Spanish

pacific     el pacífico    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
This island in the Pacific is a paradise for surfers.

Esta isla en el Pacífico es un paraíso para los surfistas.
They traveled to an atoll in the Pacific. Viajaron a un atolón en el Pacífico.

We do not see the spider eating the moth, we only see a yellow spider sitting on a red flower holding a brown moth. But we know what will occur: There will be a cruel and nasty act of the nature.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
As usually, we had problems with our hotel. At midnight we checked in to our place, and once seeing the room, my wife decided that she would not sleep there. She was right, it was a place with no atmosphere.
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