Spanish Dictionary

Translation of perpetrate in Spanish

to perpetrate     perpetrar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The police have related the two crimes and they think that both were perpetrated by the same murderer.

La policía ha relacionado los dos crímenes y piensa que ambos fueron perpetrados por el mismo asesino.

We had never been so close to monkeys and they seemed to play with us. We threw bananas into the trees which were elegantly captured by these little monkeys. It was really funny and new to us.
We stayed in this place for quite a while as it was the most spectacular place we have visited so far. It was unbelievable how much thought was put into construction of these magnificent sites.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of perpetrate   [ perpetrated, perpetrated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of perpetrar
perpetro  perpetras  perpetra  perpetramos  perpetráis  perpetran  perpetraba  perpetrabas  perpetraba  perpetrábamos  perpetrabais  perpetraban  perpetré  perpetraste  perpetró  perpetramos  perpetrasteis  perpetraron  perpetraré  perpetrarás  perpetrará  perpetraremos  perpetraréis  perpetrarán