Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pesto in Spanish

the pesto     el pesto    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
I love noodles with pesto and grated cheese.

Me encantan los fideos con pesto y queso rallado.

It looks like we need to invite Erika again to my home, once the cake is ready. Of course, this should be done before Sunday to stay in the chocolate cake race. We should buy cream too.
I think that working with you in this case would be just by Skype because it will be 8-20 sentences per month and always spontaneously like today's message which was 'Another five days until the weekend...'
Thank you for your email, everything was crystal clear. We should call each other, this would be the best way. Do you have the same opinion? But I think I need more help, for example: how do you conjugate swim?
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