Spanish Dictionary

Translation of presentation in Spanish

the presentation     la presentación    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
I need a projector to show my presentation.

Necesito un proyector para mostrar mi presentación.
This microphone is not working; we need a new one for the presentation. Este micrófono no funciona, necesitamos uno nuevo para la presentación.

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
So was the food. We ate French fries and a steak. We found that bizarre. After dinner we bought some books about the area and about South East Asia in general. They we second hand books.
My wife and I left the hotel to walk around this tiny village. We just fell for this place. In the afternoon we made a hike to a nearby hill. From the view point one could see the entire Atacama desert.
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