Spanish Dictionary

Translation of read in Spanish

to read      leer     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I've read that huckleberries are good for health.

Leí que los arándanos son buenos para la salud.
The realm of fairies was magical - she read aloud. El reino de las hadas era mágico - leyó en voz alta.
She read the letter to him, but she skipped some parts that might offend him. Le leyó la carta, pero se saltó algunas partes que podrían ofenderlo.
to read magazines leer revistas
Listen and read Escuchar y leer
to read a book leer un libro
you read (Spain) leéis
Read the tex Leed el texto
read leído
we read leemos
they read leen
I read leo

When I don't study I go for swimming in the pool or make some sports with my friends, such s Tennis, soccer...Why do you like to learn Spanish? Do you want to make a trip to Honduras or to Nicaragua?
The next morning we felt much better, but we decided to stay in bed the entire morning to fully recover. We watched some Seinfeld episodes which were running every morning at around 10a.m.
Thank you for your message. I am learning Spanish only for private purposes. Many of our neighbors do not speak English. If I'll go on vacation, I'll probably choose Spain or Latin America.
Do you know the meaning of? rich    seat belt    since    soybean    struggle    talkative    timetable    twenty-five    violin    wizard   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of read   [ read, read ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of leer
leo  lees  lee  leemos  leéis  leen  leía  leías  leía  leíamos  leíais  leían  leí  leíste  leyó  leímos  leísteis  leyeron  leeré  leerás  leerá  leeremos  leeréis  leerán