Spanish Dictionary

Translation of reap in Spanish

to reap     segar    

Translation by Vocabulix


With no hot water, we had to switch rooms once more. Before moving I decided to check the next room (it was already the third) from all points of view: noise, hot water, no smell and maybe some windows.
A flew hours later we landed in Siem Reap. The land around us was amazingly green and the weather was very humid. We were still in shock while driving into the city center with our driver.
We took a very relaxing breakfast and made laundry - by the way the cloths dried within 30 minutes as the humidity was as low as 10% or so and the sun extremely strong at this altitude.
Do you know the meaning of? reef    relic    require    reveille    robotics    rusticity    satirize    scorpion    seer    seven   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of reap   [ reaped, reaped ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of segar
siego  siegas  siega  segamos  segáis  siegan  segaba  segabas  segaba  segábamos  segabais  segaban  segué  segaste  segó  segamos  segasteis  segaron  segaré  segarás  segará  segaremos  segaréis  segarán