Spanish Dictionary

Translation of recite in Spanish

to recite     recitar    

Translation by Vocabulix


With no hot water, we had to switch rooms once more. Before moving I decided to check the next room (it was already the third) from all points of view: noise, hot water, no smell and maybe some windows.
We had a great first impression of the people in Cambodia. We were expecting that people would like to take advantage of us but it wasn't the case at all. Our driver for example was very kind.
On day two my wife and I took a tour to visit the Altiplano. The tour started a little boring, when we visited a few empty villages nearby which were all pretty much the same. Empty with very little people.
Do you know the meaning of? regard    rend    resonate    rich    rotate    sailor    scald    scythe    senile    shameless   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of recite   [ recited, recited ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of recitar
recito  recitas  recita  recitamos  recitáis  recitan  recitaba  recitabas  recitaba  recitábamos  recitabais  recitaban  recité  recitaste  recitó  recitamos  recitasteis  recitaron  recitaré  recitarás  recitará  recitaremos  recitaréis  recitarán