Spanish Dictionary

Translation of reinforce in Spanish

to reinforce     reforzar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The latest scientific findings reinforced Peter's theories on genes and DNA.

Los últimos hallazgos científicos reforzaron las teorías de Peter sobre los genes y el ADN.
to strengthen, reinforce afianzar
to reinforce, strengthen reforzar

With no hot water, we had to switch rooms once more. Before moving I decided to check the next room (it was already the third) from all points of view: noise, hot water, no smell and maybe some windows.
He planned the entire day and knew exactly where to take us and when to take us in order to be before or after the tour buses. We started at the farthest place of all temples called Banteay Srey.
The road was a really horrible, but the lakes and the surrounding woods were colorful and impressive. We drove for two hours through the forest towards San Martin de los Andes, but decided to turn back before it got dark.
Do you know the meaning of? replacement    resumption    ripe    ruff    sanction    scheme    secretary    serenade    shell    sigh   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of reinforce   [ reinforced, reinforced ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of reforzar
refuerzo  refuerzas  refuerza  reforzamos  reforzáis  refuerzan  reforzaba  reforzabas  reforzaba  reforzábamos  reforzabais  reforzaban  reforcé  reforzaste  reforzó  reforzamos  reforzasteis  reforzaron  reforzaré  reforzarás  reforzará  reforzaremos  reforzaréis  reforzarán