Spanish Dictionary

Translation of roar in Spanish

to roar     bramar    ; rugir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The lion roared while the people were watching him.

El león rugió mientras la gente lo estaba mirando.
to roar, howl rugir

The four of us ate dinner at this cozy place. As always, we ate meat. After desert we headed to a night club, when my wife started to feel a little dizzy. She blamed the wine, but i had a bad feeling.
It must have taken them years and ten's of thousands of workers to accomplish the tasks of constructing such spectacular compounds. We took many pictures and walked back to the taxi.
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of roar   [ roared, roared ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of bramar
bramo  bramas  brama  bramamos  bramáis  braman  bramaba  bramabas  bramaba  bramábamos  bramabais  bramaban  bramé  bramaste  bramó  bramamos  bramasteis  bramaron  bramaré  bramarás  bramará  bramaremos  bramaréis  bramarán