Spanish Dictionary

Translation of scene in Spanish

the scene     la escena    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The whole scene was filmed in the exterior.

Toda la escena fue filmada en exteriores.
The police are looking for fingerprints all over the crime scene. La policía está buscando huellas dactilares por toda la escena del crimen.
It was a gruesome scene. Fue una escena horripilante.
street fight/scene bronca callejera; disturbios callejeros
the scene la escena

We drove to the hotel Rex where we made reservations in advance. However, once there, two American guys told us that they had a voucher from a travel agent and the price was like half of it.
When we arrived at the port, or whatever it was, we were a little scared since the boats were very old and dirty. We entered the boats anyway and hoped for best. The boat driver started the engine.
While waiting for the counter to open, my wife developed a stomach ache. The plane took of at around 4 or 5 pm and landed around 2 hours later at the airport of Santiago de Chile. It was already dark.
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