Spanish Dictionary

Translation of schizophrenic in Spanish

the schizophrenic     el esquizofrénico    
schizophrenic     esquizofrénico    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He was schizophrenic and needed treatment in hospital.

Era esquizofrénico y necesitaba tratamiento en el hospital.

After next week, I will tutor the Mr. Zillmay from the language lab in Los Angeles, he is currently in the states. The lesson will take place in LA, but it may be held no earlier than mid-February.
There might be another reason why the house was hit. Some houses have a little infrastructure problem and cannot protect themselves against flash lights. That means they are in constant risk of fire which can lead to catastrophic outcome.
And how long will you be there? When will you come back to Venezuela? Now, I'm learning German grammar and I am doing my homework. Super boring, and it took me too much time in total.
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