Spanish Dictionary

Translation of sharpen in Spanish

to sharpen     afilar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
I have sent my scissors to the cutler to have them sharpened.

Envié mis tijeras al cuchillero para que las afile.
That knife does not cut properly, so you should use a sharpener to sharpen it. Ese cuchillo no corta bien, hay que usar un afilador y afilarlo.

After dinner we walked back and saw some interesting sites and shops on the way. Everything was quite impressive, as always in a new country. We entered the hotel and took an elevator to our room.
It must have taken them years and ten's of thousands of workers to accomplish the tasks of constructing such spectacular compounds. We took many pictures and walked back to the taxi.
Your Spanish is excellent, I can understand you very well. I have been learning English for almost 2 years. I have visited a language school and now I am learning in the Internet. See you soon.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of sharpen   [ sharpened, sharpened ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of afilar
afilo  afilas  afila  afilamos  afiláis  afilan  afilaba  afilabas  afilaba  afilábamos  afilabais  afilaban  afilé  afilaste  afiló  afilamos  afilasteis  afilaron  afilaré  afilarás  afilará  afilaremos  afilaréis  afilarán