Spanish Dictionary

Translation of state in Spanish

to state     declarar    
the state      el estado     
the state      el Estado     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The hotline between the two chiefs of state has never been used yet.

La línea directa entre los dos jefes de estado nunca fue usada aún.
Having turkey at Thanksgiving is a popular tradition in the United States. Comer pavo en el Día de Acción de Gracias es una tradición popular en los Estados Unidos.
Dade county is in Florida, United States of America. El Condado de Dade está en Florida, Estados Unidos de América.
to state afirmar
state el estado

I am from Italy, but I studied in Frankfurt, in Germany. I am done with my bachelor degree. I am an Engineer since last June. where are you from? Which language do you want to practice? I will start studying next week.
I would like to chat with you regularly, but it looks like you are not online at the moment. I heard about the political turmoil in your country, and I hope that it is not going to affect you.
The next morning, we got up at 5, had breakfast and headed back to the same airport where we landed a few hours earlier. The 1 hour flight was packed with lots of tourists of all ages, mainly Americans.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of state   [ stated, stated ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of declarar
declaro  declaras  declara  declaramos  declaráis  declaran  declaraba  declarabas  declaraba  declarábamos  declarabais  declaraban  declaré  declaraste  declaró  declaramos  declarasteis  declararon  declararé  declararás  declarará  declararemos  declararéis  declararán