Spanish Dictionary

Translation of strongly in Spanish

strongly     fuertemente    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He whacked the other man strongly until the police came.

Él golpeó al otro hombre con fuerza hasta que llegó la policía.

I had just said that if you wanted we could meet up on the last weekend in October, I have to be in Malaga the following week... Your English is very good! Would be nice to hear something from you!
We drank our heroically acquired beverage and left the farm heading back to the port. Back at the port we returned to our cab and drove to the hotel. We were simply too tired and needed to rest a little.
One hour later, at sun set, we overflew the amazing Misti volcano which is located right above Arequipa. The mountain had a golden glow and its view was breathtaking.
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